Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Moving for the first time?

I have to say the first time I went to move was actually really scary.  I was not really sure waht I was doing and it put a whole lot of anxeity on me.  I know that sounds silly, but it was a truth that made the experience very stresfull and I want to help others not go through the same feelings as I did.  Now I tried to look up how to move on the internet but back then the articles were all for sales and not for actually helping people.  Instead of good advice I got uhaul articles.  Now I will say that in the years since my first move I have rented many uhauls so I guess the advice was not the worst, but many of the old way to move are simply not the best, and time has simply given us more options and spending a few bucks can save thousands in the long run.


What I mean by this was the first advice I was given was to go out and get free boxes.  I went to all teh local big box stores and got used cheap moving boxes that they were about the throw out.  Now I thought this was amazing.  But I also had to buy lots of tape to put them back together and they were used and flemsy.  What really happened was that many boxes fell apart and they also flexed when lifting.  So many of my boxes that got filled with heavy weight flexed while lifting and the people dropped them.  I lost a lot of items due to bad boxes.  The cheap moving boxes that I picked up cost me thousands of dollars in damage and most of my dishes. 


I have moved many people and my own family several times since then and I have seen many injuries caused by flexible cardboard boxes.  It really is a  bad problem which can be easily resolved by spending about 30 bucks.  I learned a few years ago that companies exist to fill this expensive gap.  The packaging supply companeis sell moving packages that come with all types of heavy duty boxes, tape, and markers.  It really is a dream for moving and you would never know if you hadn't done it before.  It cost a few dollars more in prep work but can save you injuries and simply broken goods.  The small things in life really are a joy and this is one area to think about.


The next thing to do is if you do not have a vehicle to move it may cost more in gas to use cars and trucks then to rent a big truck for the day.  It cost in reality about 100 dollars to rent a uhaul for a single day.  If you have 5 friends driving cars and trucks back and fourth 3 to 4 times and you add all of that and the possible damage to their vehicles and maybe even you getting all those items in it may smply be cheaper to rent a truck or a trailer. I am usually a cheap person, but sometimes it really is less expensive in the long run by renting  truck.  So think about your items very specificalyl and see if you may need one. Hope these tips help!

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